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If you're interested in working with me on a 1-2-1 basis then the best thing to do is book in a complimentary discovery session!





A discovery session is an insanely valuable, collaborative space. We will spend 60 minutes together via Zoom call, conducting a deep dive on your life as it currently stands, discuss changes you would like to make & how we can make that a reality for you by bridging the gap between your life now & the life you’d love to live.


You will walk away with a clear sense of direction & a simple set of actionable steps. 


This is completely complimentary as it’s important for you to get a feel for whether coaching is right for you & also for me to see if we would be a good fit. 


If you think you’d like to start working together then we can also discuss this during your discovery session. 


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Are you really driven & ambitious but you just aren’t where you want to be in life? 


Do you find that the minute you start prioritising one area of your life, other areas start to fall apart? 


Do you look at your friends & think, how are you affording that? How do you have time to do that? How do you juggle everything & make it look so easy? 


Do you get frustrated seeing other women living the life that you deserve to have? 


Do you feel overwhelmed not knowing how to make changes or where to start? 


Do you KNOW you’re destined for more in life?

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Coaching is a method of exploring your life as it is in the here & now. It's a supportive process that empowers you to discover your strengths, overcome obstacles & create a more fulfilling life.


We will get crystal clear about what is important to you & how you want your life to look.


Most importantly, we will work together to help you to identify why you don’t currently have the life you want so we can overcome the challenges, the frustration & the overwhelm & actually make the changes that will move you towards a life that you truly love! 


I specialise in Transformation Coaching – we want you to create a life you love in ALL areas. You deserve to have it all


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Not that long ago I was exactly where you are. I wasn’t happy with my life for a whole multitude of reasons & knew it was time to get my sh*t together – I just didn‘t know where to start (& deep down I wasn’t convinced it would be possible to make the changes I needed). 


I came across the concept of Life Coaching & knew it was PERFECT for me. I’ve had a lot of therapy throughout my life & whilst it has always been useful & helped me process painful events, it wasn’t “life-changing”. Sure, I had a greater awareness of myself & a list of coping mechanisms but it didn’t fundamentally change anything. I still had the same job, I was still in debt, I still had a non-existent social life & I didn’t have a plan to change anything. 


As your Life Coach, I will be with you every step of the way. Challenging you, supporting you & guiding you to the next chapter of your life. 


I know exactly how it feels to be frustrated & overwhelmed that you aren’t living a life you love.


I don’t just talk the talk.


My life has been far from perfect but I have developed a process for turning things around & experiencing true transformation. I know how to unlock your full potential to create the life you’ve been dreaming of – whatever that looks like to you. 

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If we decide that you’d benefit from some 1-2-1 ongoing support from me then we will book you in for an initial Breakthrough Session. Some women don’t know exactly what they want their life to look like before we start working together & that’s absolutely okay - we can figure it out together during the Breakthrough Session! 


We will book in regular virtual sessions where we will work closely together to create a crystal clear vision of the life you want. Throughout our sessions we will uncover any blocks that are sabotaging you & holding you back, we’ll then put together an action plan that will break down exactly what you need to do in order to move towards a life you love. 




I’m a certified Life Coach & NLP practitioner so I like to draw from a range of methodologies. I will be your number one cheerleader throughout this process & will always be in your corner when you need someone to offer you support when times are hard. 


I’m all about taking action & making lasting change so you can count on me to give you the tough love you need at times but know it is always with your best intentions in mind & to get you to where you want to be. 

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My coaching programmes are extremely affordable. I have a range of payment plans available to accommodate all budgets. 


How would it feel to stop feeling so frustrated & overwhelmed & finally start living a life you love?


Imagine your life 6 months from now when you’ve just landed your dream job, met the love of your life, just returned from a holiday at the most luxurious resort or you’ve started the business you always wanted.


Only you know if living a life you love is worth the investment. 




I want you to live a life you love & I’d be honoured to support you in getting there but only if we’re the right fit for each other. 


If after 14 days of working together you are not happy for whatever reason, you can have the rest of your money back – no questions asked.

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Complete Accountability - One of the key reasons people don’t experience lasting change is because they give up on themselves when it gets uncomfortable. I will be holding your hand through the process to ensure you are able to push through any blocks. 


A New Perspective - Through powerful questioning & NLP techniques you will be able to step outside of yourself & see your life through a whole new lens; a lens of possibility & opportunity. You’d be surprised by how achievable even some of your most ambitious goals are when you know how to break them down. 


True Transformation - I know you want to make big changes in your life & together we will make sure that these changes aren’t short lived or at the expense of other areas of your life that are important to you. We will work on your goals holistically to ensure you experience the transformation you want across all areas & most importantly, make sure that the change is sustainable.

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If you know that you are ready to stop feeling so fed up with your life & ready to make a change then this is the opportunity you've been waiting for.


If you want me to guide you & keep you accountable for making your dream life a reality, then let's book your complimentary 60-minute discovery session. 


If you don’t want to still be stuck in the same situation 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years from now, click the button below & let’s get started!

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